
Hey Emo Kid! Why You So Emo-tional?

So I know its almost 12am on a Friday nite and normal 20 year olds should be out drinking, sexing and having fun with people. Oh but not me, Im stuck in the house drinking Strawberry wine. Why? you mite ask? because I got Stood the fuck up! That's rite Me... This girl rite here got stood up! and why mite you ask? well I wish I could tell you but he didn't even send me a text or call me. He texted me up until 7:55! that's 5 minutes before he was supposed to be here, then he just stopped texting me all together and now hes not here! So Im alone, and the worst thing is HE'S NOT EVEN Cute! hes 22 years old and hes fucking balding, im sorry hes 24 years old and hes fucking balding! WTF! I mean Im too damned fine to be stood up by a grown ass man whos nickname is Spongebob????!!!?? So yea Im pissed and im getting drunker and drunker by the minute. I can't even tell you how many times I've had to hit the backspace to correct mispells on this blog. This is so dumb, This gives me further more reason of why I should become a lesbian. In fact for the next couple weeks Im gonna write reason a day of why I should become a lesbian. Which leads to reason one of Why I should Become a lesbian #1: Getting Stood Up by Balding College Boys who are nicknamed after Got Damn Nickelodeon Cartoons for Pre-Teens! Oh and I can't wait for this mufucka to give me the explanantion for this bull sh**! But it would've been too late for him, because as of 11:33 about 20 minutes ago I deleted that Balding Spongebob out of my phone book! Fuck you and Good Nite Bytch! Being Stood up is So Stellar Fresh for me, meaning this shit is extreeeeeemly new!
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